Sunday, February 15, 2009

I am extremely loving of Chinese people

In light of the recent posts, I'd like to give you:

The top 10 reasons you should be extremely loving of Chinese people

10. Chinese New Year, where you get red envelopes full of money
9. We age really well
8. We value our families
7. Apparently all races love our women
6. We tend to be more insightful and believe in living a balance
5. We can solve your math problems
4. We tend to be good listeners and collaborators
3. If you need an impromptu violin or piano recital, you can count on us
2. Our language consists of one syllable words, so we don't need acronyms
1. We have really good, cheap food (if you know where to go)


Martha said...

I am extremely loving of Chinese people.

Anonymous said...

have you seen the blog Stuff Asian People Like? It's obviously a takeoff of Stuff White People Like.

Michelle said...

i don't know if i agree with #9